what is the smallest bunny breed?Top smallest rabbits breeds in the world

 Rabbits already have quite a bit of cuteness, but when they're small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, it only ups that level of charm. It's hard to resist those big wide eyes paired with their little round furry bodies.

Adorable Varieties

While these adorable little bundles seem similar, they come in a variety of different colorings, coat types, and temperaments. Most of the rabbits on our list make wonderful pets and are popular as show rabbits, recognized by ARBA.

English Angora

The English Angora rabbit breed weighs between five to six pounds and resembles a little round ball of fur. Their woolly silky coat, which covers every bit of their compact bodies, comes in a wide variety of different colors and is often sought after for spinning. One of the oldest domestic rabbit breeds, the English Angora rabbit originated in a region of Turkey.

Columbia Basin Pygmy

Weighing less than a pound in adulthood, the smallest rabbit breed in the world is the Columbia Basin Pygmy, only found in a small region in Washington State. It's also one of the rarest rabbit breeds globally. After being declared extinct in the wild in the 1990s, biologists were able to capture 16 of the last few dozen rabbits in existence.

Netherland Dwarf

One of the smallest rabbit breeds in the world, the Netherland Dwarf matures to a weight of between one pound to two and a half pounds. These compact little rabbits have a short neck with heads as big as their bodies, big eyes, and tiny upright ears. The Netherland Dwarf has become one of the most popular rabbit breeds globally and is recognized by ARBA as a show rabbit.

Dwarf Hotot

The Dwarf Hotot rabbit breed is easy to identify by its pure white coat in contrast to its black eye markings that resemble eyeliner. Weighing only 2.5 to 3.5 pounds, Dwarf Hotots have short ears and a dense, shiny rollback coat. Developed in Germany by combining the Blanc de Hotot with a dwarf breed, they become affectionate and friendly as pets once accustomed to being handled.


Despite its name, the Polish rabbit breed traces its origins to Britain and not to Poland. This small rabbit breed, weighing between 2.5 to 3.5 pounds, has a round body covered in short, soft flyback fur, large eyes, and small upright ears. This calm and friendly rabbit breed can live longer—eight to ten years if they're spayed or neutered.


Originating in Belgium, the Lionhead rabbit breed gained its well-suited name from their lion-like mane of wool that encircles their high-mounted head and neck area. With short furry ears and compact upright bodies, this small rabbit breed weighs just under four pounds. The Lionhead has thick fur that comes in a variety of colors and is one of the most popular pet rabbit breeds, known for its outgoing personality, energetic disposition, and friendly nature tolerant to children.

Jersey Woolly

Ranging in weight from one pound to over three pounds, the Jersey Woolly is one of the smallest rabbits in the world. Developed by Bonnie Sealy, who crossbred to create a small rabbit with a woolly coat, the Jersey Woolly has a compact build, upright ears, and a square head described often and lovingly as a mug head. Recognized by ARBA, this rabbit breed is popular as a show rabbit or as a pet.

American Fuzzy Lop

At three to four pounds, the American Fuzzy Lop is a small rabbit with a flat bulldog face and ears that lop to either side. They have a stout body with a broad chest, known as the "head of fancy." The American Fuzzy Lop has a wool coat that comes in various colors and can be collected and spun into yarn. This sweet-tempered, playful, active rabbit is well-suited as a pet if given proper care. Popular as a show rabbit, this breed is recognized by ARBA.

Holland Lop

Developed in the Netherlands as the smallest out of all the lop-eared breeds, the Holland Lop weighs only two to four pounds. They have a stocky body shape, a large head, and long furry lopped ears that widen at the bottom. Their fluffy rollback coat comes in a variety of colors and is dense, medium length, and soft. One of the most unique characteristics is a crown of fur along the back of their head.

Britannia Petite

With a full arch body shape, the Britannia Petite rabbit breed resembles a tiny hare, weighing only a little over two pounds. They have a narrow head with large eyes and pointed upright ears. Their short, soft coats come in a variety of colors. As a show rabbit, the Britannia Petite is among the smallest breeds of rabbits recognized by the ARBA. However, this rabbit breed is best suited in competitions involving jumping obstacles due to their active and energetic temperaments.

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