Can rabbits eat oranges? List of things you shouldn't give to your rabbits

This is not an exclusive list on everything that's poisonous to bunnies or everything that you shouldn't feed. These are just 20 common items that I felt like a lot of people might not know about or things that I've heard people feed bunnies in the past that are not safe to give. So, let's just go ahead and get started.

1. Corn or Corn Husks

The first one is corn or corn husks. Anything corn-related should never be given to bunnies. Corn is not able to be processed down by a rabbit's digestive system. Corn husks are dangerous due to their stringy nature, posing a choking hazard.

2. Legumes

Legumes, including peanuts, beans, and peas, are not safe for bunnies. There is a debate on whether peas are safe, but it's recommended to avoid them altogether.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate is a well-known dangerous food for various pets, including rabbits. Dark chocolate should never be given to bunnies under any circumstance.

4. Dairy

Any type of dairy, including yogurt, is not safe for bunnies. Dairy products are not a part of a rabbit's diet, and they should not be given.

5. Grains

Rabbits should not be eating grains like wheat, rice, or quinoa. Grains are not a part of a rabbit's natural diet.

6. Avocado

Avocado is poisonous to bunnies. It contains substances that can be toxic and harmful, and any part of the avocado should not be given to rabbits.

7. Nuts

Apart from peanuts, all types of nuts, including almonds and walnuts, are not safe for bunnies.u

8. Potatoes

Potatoes, being starchy, should not be given to rabbits. Potato chips are also not suitable for them.

9. Meat

Rabbits are herbivores, and meat should never be given to them. This includes avoiding pet foods containing meat.

10. Eggs

Eggs are not a part of a rabbit's diet, and they should not be given to bunnies.

11. Iceberg Lettuce

While lettuce is generally a part of a rabbit's diet, iceberg lettuce should be avoided due to its low nutritional value and potential pesticide content.

12. Apple Seeds

Apple seeds contain toxins and should never be given to bunnies. However, rabbits can consume apples in moderation.

13. Onions, Garlic, Shallots, Chives

These items, common in cooking, are unsafe for rabbits. They should be avoided as they can be toxic.

14. Yard Grass

Fresh grass from the yard may contain pesticides or herbicides, making it unsafe for rabbits unless it's known to be safe.

15. Banana Peels

Banana peels may be exposed to pesticides and chemicals. It's advisable to avoid giving them to bunnies, even if organic.

16. Acorns

Acorns, commonly collected by squirrels, are not safe for rabbits. They come from oak trees, which are toxic to bunnies.

17. Seeds

Any type of seeds, including sunflower seeds, is not safe for rabbits. Seeds should be avoided as they are not a part of their natural diet.

18. Any Other Pet Food

Cat food, dog food, hamster food, and other pet foods are not suitable for rabbits. Stick to a diet designed for rabbits.

19. Processed Treats from Pet Stores

Most processed treats from pet stores are not safe for rabbits. Stick to natural, 100% fruit treats without added sugars or preservatives.

20. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are fungus, not plants, and are not a part of a rabbit's diet. Avoid giving mushrooms to bunnies.

Can rabbits eat oranges

Yes, rabbits can eat oranges in moderation as a treat, but the high sugar content means it should not be a regular part of their diet.  

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